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Education & Schools

School Board Office
School Bus Depot

Galiano Community School
Mayne Elem/Secondary
Pender Elem/Secondary
Saturna Elementary

Fulford Elementary
Salt Spring Elementary
Fernwood Elementary
Salt Spring Centre School

Gulf Islands Secondary
The schools of the Southern Gulf Islands form the British Columbia School District 64. The local school board has its office on Salt Spring Island, and is composed of three trustees from Salt Spring, and one from each of Galiano, Mayne, Pender, and Saturna. The trustees serve a three year term. All the large Gulf Islands have school bus service.

Galiano Island

Galiano Community School serves student from K to grade 12. Grades 9 to 12 were added in the 1999 / 2000 school year. A close association is maintained with the Gulf Islands Secondary School to ensure standards, and course requirements.

Mayne Island

Mayne Elementary / Junior Secondary School serves grades K to 8 in a muti-grade classroom environment. Grades 9 to 11 courses are planned to be offered via a distributed learning model.

Pender Island

Pender Elementary Secondary School serves grades K to 12.

Saturna Elementary School

Saturna Elementary serves grades K to 5.

Salt Spring Island

Fulford Elementary serves grades K to 6 for Fulford Village and Southern Salt Spring Island.

Salt Spring Elementary serves grades K to 6 for Ganges and Central Salt Spring Island.

Fernwood Elementary serves grades K to 6 for Northern Salt Spring Island, including the Vesuvius area.

Gulf Islands Secondary School

Gulf Islands Secondary School serves grades 8 to 12 on Salt Spring Island. The High School also offers Distance Learning options, and adult education classes. The current high school opened in September 1994. Some students from the other large Gulf Islands commute via water taxi. The high school is very modern, and has fibre optic lines throughout.

Salt Spring Centre School

Salt Spring Centre School (Tel : 1.250.537.9130) is an independent school serving grades K to 6. Maximum enrollment is 60 students, and a maximum of 13 students per class.

Post Secondary Education

British Columbia offers several post secondary options, including the University of British Columbia, University of Victoria, and Simon Fraser University.

For More Information

You can contact the School Board office at 1-250-537-5548 for more information, regarding the education options on the Gulf Islands.

Postal Address : School District 64
112 Rainbow Road, Salt Spring Island, BC, V8K 2K3

Contact Li Read at Sea to Sky Premier Properties (Salt Spring), 4 - 105 Rainbow Road, Salt Spring Island, BC, V8K 2V5; Direct Tel: 1-250-537-7647