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Blog, Thoughts & Market Musings

by Li Read, 2025

March 2, 2025.
Salt Spring Island

March is here and whether it comes in like a lion or a lamb, it celebrated meteorological Spring yesterday, March 1st.

Salt Spring and the Southern Gulf Islands are at their best between March Break (mid-month) and Canadian Thanksgiving (mid-October).

Daylight saving time arrives on March 9th. Every day is lighter and longer.

March Break mid-month is always a welcome pause, and an invitation to a mini-holiday. Take part in renewed community offerings:

- opening receptions at the amazing Ganges galleries, special events at ArtSpring, opportunities to hike the trails, to enjoy the early flowering shrubs and the perennials that show up in protected garden corners (yes, daffodils!), Spring menus at our great restaurants, the season reopening of delectable Hastings House, live music venues (Moby’s Pub, Legion, Harbour House Hotel)...try a “wake up” spa treatment, and enjoy that lovely feeling of ease that the Spring season delivers.

Be a visitor in your own backyard, rediscover the allure of these special islands, and reach out to friends who might have been away in sunny climes...time for lunch and a catch-up at one of our delicious restaurants, preferably with a view.

Lots to see and to enjoy in early Spring, March-style. Catch the vibe!

February 2, 2025
Salt Spring Island

February is the last Winter month (meteorological Spring starts on March 1st), and on the Southern Gulf Islands it can offer an array of weather patterns.

Arctic Front temperatures, snow (short-term) plus some early Spring sunny and warmer days, and continuing ever lighter mornings and evenings...early shrubs and bulbs flower in protected gardens...a fuzz of green is visible on deciduous trees and bushes at roads edges. A mix of seasons collide, with the promise of March and real Spring.

February also offers B.C. Family Day holiday weekend, and Valentine's Day is enjoyed at Salt Spring's restaurants and coffee stops.

It's a short month, and a time that encourages everyone to be ready for "the season" (March Break to Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend in October are considered the prime months for tourism outcomes in our recreational region).

There are many continuing global issues facing all of Canada, plus national concerns. In spite of these concerns, the beauty of this coastal region, in this emerging month, are to be savoured.

Pack a picnic, walk the trails at Ruckle Park, meander a beach at Fernwood or Vesuvius, enjoy a lunch with friends at one of our restaurants with a view. Consider a spa visit to be ready for Spring. It's wake-up time!

It's energizing February. Enjoy.

January 2, 2025
Salt Spring Island

Early January... it brings with it the lingering tendrils of the immediate past and the tiny forays of the first days of a very New Year.

Salt Spring, the largest and best-serviced of the Southern Gulf Islands, offers both recreational choices and year-round lifestyle opportunities. Ready to move now, waving goodbye to urban life, and taking up residence on the Island? Still in summer/weekender mode for now? Both work... you decide.

The Gulf Islands are four-season areas. January can be either like a long early Spring (or long late Fall, depending on your point of view), with temperatures between 4C and 9C, or can be a short intense burst of "Alberta weather" (snow, winter temperatures between -12C to -4C). Every year is different.

The good news? The Winter timeline is the shortest.

January offers evening courses (always wanted to learn Spanish?), plus special opportunities to keep (or get) fit. Check into the schedule at the indoor pool, at indoor tennis or squash venues, at yoga offerings, and hike the many park trails around the island. A skier? Easy to get to Mt. Washington. A sailor? Be part of the crew in the Sunday afternoon racing schedule. Keeping active is not difficult.

Check out the offerings through our great Library.

Special events at ArtSpring are there to enjoy. The winter showcases at the Ganges Galleries are there to meander and to be inspired again by the amazing talent in our strong artistic profiles. This is a SSNAP (Salt Spring National Art Prize) year... be a volunteer.

January can be a quieter month. It depends on how we want to spend it... for some, it means holidays in sunny locales. For others, it means starting (or finishing) a valued project. It’s not a time when nothing happens.

There’s also daydreaming about Spring/Summer enjoyments that will return, and every day is already minutes longer... yes! It’s January... enjoy!

Contact Li Read:

Sea to Sky Premier Properties (Salt Spring)
4 - 105 Rainbow Road, Salt Spring Island, BC, V8K 2V5

Direct Tel: 1-250-537-7647