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Blog, Thoughts & Market Musings

by Li Read, 2024

July 2, 2024
Salt Spring Island

It's summer! July begins the pleasures of the season.

Salt Spring (its west facing side is on the horizon of this photo) and the Southern Gulf Islands are in the heart of some of the best protected boating waters in the world.

Sailing, power boating, kayaking, paddle boarding...however you enjoy the ocean, this is the area to indulge.

This photo is of nearby Maple Bay on Vancouver Island...Salt Spring and the Southern Gulf Islands are nestled in the rain shadow of the much larger Vancouver Island...this is what delivers the "cool Mediterranean" micro-climate of the Gulf Islands.

Vineyards, cideries, olives, orchards...the 10K diet is alive and well on Salt Spring.

July invites us to indulge in all that Summer promises. RSVP and enjoy!

June 2, 2024.
Salt Spring Island

June smiles hello. It begins with meteorological Summer on the 1st.

It is the month of roses, in gardens and parks, and wild ones along road edges and threading hedges.

Blossoms have spun off branches and orchards are showing buds. Apples, pears, plums, hazelnuts, walnuts, grapes, olives...veggies...yes! The Tuesday Farmers Market is ready to present, along with the treasured Saturday Market.

ArtCraft at Mahon Hall, Ganges Galleries showcasing their artists, studios on the tour saying "welcome".

Summer invites us to ease up, to take time, to pay attention to the natural beauty that dazzles Salt Spring and the Gulf beachcomb and sunset hike the trails (Ruckle Park?) dine al fresco with a meander bays and coves by kayak or be glad we get real reality here.

June. The message of's Summer! Enjoy.

May, 2, 2024

Salt Spring Island

Welcome to May on Salt Spring Island and the Gulf Islands

May erupts into full-blown Spring, year after year. There is something comforting in our time of constant shift and profound change, to know that the underpinning of the natural world just gets on with its annual message of new beginnings. Welcome to green splendour, blossom beauty, birdsong welcomes, and ever longer days. Time to clean those windows and say hello to the light. Time to feed the mind and the body.

Salt Spring and the Gulf Islands share this annual resurgence of life...time for a visit! Enjoy:

And everywhere the amazing gift of Spring in our local Pacific Northwest Coast region. Lucky Saltspringers to enjoy this effervescent beauty.

Hello, May!

April, 2, 2024

Salt Spring Island

Lovely April smiles hello. This chameleon month starts with late March weather and ends with May's largesse. Lighter everyday, by 8 seconds daily, and Nature is busy frothing leaves and blossoms forward. The fullness of total Spring is almost here.

Mid-April to mid-September are often considered as the premier months on the great Pacific Northwest Coast, and that includes on delectable Salt Spring Island and the Southern Gulf Islands.

On Salt Spring? Check out the anniversary offerings at ArtSpring, discover new works at the Ganges Galleries, be sure to check out the studio tour artists, enjoy the trail systems around the island (walk or hike), picnic on a beach or at a park, take part in spa retreats and wellness expositions, sailing and kayaking are ready for us, discover vineyards, cideries, craft brewery, olive groves, enjoy tastings, catch lunch or dinner at our great restaurants, and follow the lead of early April...clean those windows and let the light in. invites one to welcome softer days and to be a part of our natural world. Lucky islanders to experience the real reality of the wake-up call of real Spring. Enjoy!

March 2, 2024

Salt Spring Island like a lion and out like a lamb...or vice versa. A mixed month weather-wise, but definitely singing the song of Spring.

Longer days remind us that we are heading into the most beautiful time on the Pacific Northwest Coast: mid-March to mid-October. I think that describes early Spring to early Fall. Time now to shake off winter’s cocoon and follow Nature’s lead. It's called wake-up time.

ArtSpring and the Ganges Galleries are showcasing new works...the Arts are alive and well and inspiring Salt Spring and the Gulf Islands.

Hastings House re-opens for the season (Easter Dinner at end of the month). Windsor showcases the Home and Garden Weekend...time to build that patio? Check out the latest designs. Live music venues (don’t forget St Patrick's Day), special menus at our great restaurants and coffee stops, hiking/walking trails remind us to get moving, spa retreats to restore, and bulbs and shrubs are flowering forward. Activity!’s welcoming Spring. Enjoy!

February 2, 2024

Salt Spring Island

February is the early messenger of Spring...warm days mixed with cold, early flowering bushes and bulbs pop up and threats of snow bursts are still possible. A mixed month as it begins, but every day is eight seconds longer and already we are experiencing the gift of light.

Valentine's Day reminds us of romance and our local restaurants offer special menus. Time to dine...and to enjoy.

The annual Family Day holiday weekend takes place in, this is a Leap Year (yes, there is a February 29th).

The Asian Lunar New Year arrives on February 10...the Year of the Wood Dragon is ushered in. Hmmm...a they all breathe fire?

The earth is waking from its winter sleep, and the promise of real Spring is in the air.

It's a lovely month to be a visitor in your own backyard. Re-investigate our beaches and park hiking/walking trails. Treat yourself to lunch at one of our super restaurants...some new ones to discover. Meander the galleries, check out ArtSpring’s theatre and music offerings, catch the live music venues around the town, wash the windows and let in the light of longer almost-Spring days. Pop into the eclectic shops in the villages and see new elements for a new season.

Restless? Time for day trips to our sister Southern Gulf Islands...a sea voyage and new discoveries. Back on delectable Salt Spring? A spa day is perfect. This month is a wake-up call and a time to freshen up.

February smiles hello.

January 2, 2024

Salt Spring Island
It's true...every day is eight seconds longer...the slow march to Spring is underway.

January offers that Winter mix of weather outcomes...lots to enjoy on Salt Spring and the Southern Gulf Islands, no matter the pattern.

ArtSpring showcases theatre presentations, the Ganges Galleries continue to present their talented rosters, the restaurants and coffee shops welcome your presence, hiking/walking trails are there to enjoy.

Fun to take part in day trips off Salt Spring: Victoria, Vancouver Island, Vancouver...three ferries and floatplanes, too. Easy-peasy! Also good to take part in webinars and seminars that seek to discover viable economic many changes, and it’s helpful to listen.

January gives the gift of time...time to consider lifestyle choices, to be thoughtful about decisions, to consider next steps...the best kind of New Year opportunity.

And your thoughts are? Always welcome!

Contact Li Read:

Sea to Sky Premier Properties (Salt Spring)
4 - 105 Rainbow Road, Salt Spring Island, BC, V8K 2V5

Direct Tel: 1-250-537-7647